CFDA: Words with (Fashion) Friends – David Rabin

CFDA: Words with (Fashion) Friends – David Rabin

Any fashion person – or otherwise – who has frequented some of New York’s most legendary eateries and nightclubs will know David Rabin. He is a familiar and friendly face—as a partner in American Bar, Veranda, Sona, JIMMY and well as The Skylark and The Lambs Club (both slated to reopen this fall) – and has a long history of creating the kind of places favored by fashion folks, including, in the past, Lotus, The Double Seven, Union Bar and Rex, among others.

“I think we had the first actual “End of Fashion Week” party – we did a “Blue Jeans and Burgers” party at Rex co-hosted by Cindy, Linda, Christy, and Naomi in, I believe, 1991,” said Rabin. “And Fern Mallis let us throw two massive parties to end Fashion Week in the tents in Bryant Park in the early 1990s.”

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